General Health

Choosing Between a Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift

Would you like to improve the shape and appearance of your breasts, and restore their youthful contours? Aging, pregnancy, and breast feeding are the factors that alter the appearance of the breasts. These influences can cause the breasts to look droopy, deflated, and appear less perky.

Both breast augmentation and breast lift surgeries can get them looking attractive again. However, if you’re not quite sure whether you need a breast augmentation vs breast lift– we offer some useful tips below.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the US. Breast augmentation focuses on adding volume to the breasts and increasing cup size, typically with the use of silicone or saline breast implants.

When it comes to breast implants, women have a lot of options these days, as they can choose from a variety of shapes and sizes. Selecting the breast implants that’s right for you is one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make about your breast augmentation procedure. You want to ensure that the results are flattering, and look natural.

The results of breast augmentation are immediate, and most patients are happy with their new breast size.

Related Post: What Makes a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) is designed to lift sagging, droopy breasts,  to restore a more youthful projection. The shape of the breasts often changes naturally as time passes due to declining elasticity, but weight fluctuations and pregnancy are also contributing factors.

Lifting the breasts is achieved by removing some of the stretched breast skin, and reshaping the breast tissue. There are different techniques that can be used to perform breast lift surgery, but the choice will depend on factors such as the extent of skin laxity, and the position of the nipples.

Related Post: Is There an Ideal Age for a Breast Lift?

Which is right for you?

If you’re trying to determine if you need breast augmentation or a breast lift, the questions below will help you decide if you’re a good candidate.

  1. Are your breasts deflated? Weight loss and pregnancy often make the breast look shrunken, but a breast augmentation will add much needed volume to your breasts.
  2. Are you unhappy with the size of your breasts, and think they are too small? A breast augmentation will increase cup size, and give you the fuller breasts you desire.
  3. Are your breasts asymmetric i.e. uneven in size, position, or volume? If your breasts are noticeably asymmetric, and you’d like to have the problem corrected, breast augmentation will make the breasts more even, just don’t expect them to be perfectly symmetrical.
  4. Do your nipples point downward and hang below the breast crease? A breast lift will strengthen the supporting structures, and give your breasts the lift they need.
  5. Are you happy with the current size of your breasts, but unhappy with the amount of sagging? If breast size is not an issue for you, but you want to lift them and make them perkier, a breast lift is the most suitable procedure for you.
  6. Are your breasts excessively droopy? If you would like to get rid of all the extra skin and improve the position of your breasts, a breast lift is the right procedure for you.

Related Post: Am I A Good Candidate For Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation AND Breast Lift

However, there are times when you may need both breast augmentation and a breast lift in order to get the best possible results from breast rejuvenation surgery. The procedures may be done separately or at the same time, it all depends on your specific situation, cost considerations, and the surgeon’s preference. The combined procedure is known as breast augmentation-mastopexy.

While the information provided here is intended to be helpful for women considering breast rejuvenation, the decision to have surgery should not be taken lightly. You should always make your decision in consultation with an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon.

Clients considering breast rejuvenation surgery should be in good health, and have realistic expectations about what can be achieved with surgery.

Related Post: Can You Have a Breast Lift With Pre-Existing Implants?

Breast rejuvenation in Fredericksburg, VA

Breast augmentation and breast lift surgeries are available in Fredericksburg, VA at the Surgical Arts of Virginia & Ageless Innovations Medical Spa. Surgical procedures are performed by board certified surgeon Dr. Shane Palmer. Call (540) 371-7372 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Palmer.

R, Shane Palmer, MD
R. Shane Palmer, MD is board certified in surgery and trained in the latest cosmetic surgery procedures. He offers both body and face cosmetic procedures in Frederickburg, VA.
R, Shane Palmer, MD

R, Shane Palmer, MD

R. Shane Palmer, MD is board certified in surgery and trained in the latest cosmetic surgery procedures. He offers both body and face cosmetic procedures in Frederickburg, VA.

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