General Health

Non-surgical Methods to Have Bigger Breasts

As a practicing plastic surgeon in Houston, I have seen a lot of women come to my clinic in search of various surgical and non-surgical ways to alter the size and shape of their breasts. In most cases, women will turn to cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation as a last resort in instances where natural means fall short.

There are a lot of non-surgical methods women can use to increase their bust size. And with that, let’s take a moment to look at all the various methods, including their side-effects and their disadvantages.

Breast Enhancement Cream

  • What it does:

    It attempts to recreate the physical changes women experience during puberty. By applying the cream to the skin, the ingredients enter the bloodstream to trigger the continued growth of the breasts.

  • Why women use this method:

    Customers use creams because of its ingredients. Most products today contain natural ingredients that help increase a woman’s breast size. The results of these products are also quick. Depending on the cream you’re using, you can see results in under a month.

  • Disadvantages:

    Some of the risks in using this include the development of cancer, breast sensitivity, and swelling.

Breast Enlargement Pills

  • What it does:

    These pills contain a mixture of different herbs that can help women significantly increase the size of their breasts.

  • Why women use this method:

    Just like enhancement creams, consumers use pills because they contain natural ingredients. The results of these supplements are also quick. Most women can get their desired results in less than 30 days.

  • Disadvantages:

    Phytoestrogen is a common herb found in these pills, which can increase the risks of breast cancer. Also, prolonged exposure to herbs like palmetto might cause anemia and slow blood clotting.

Pectoral Muscle Workouts

  • What it does:

    You may also increase your bust size naturally through exercise. Standard work-outs like basic push-ups, wall push-ups, and chest dips are effective in building the pectoral muscles, increasing the size of the breasts in the process.

  • Why women use this method:

    Most women will opt for regular exercise because it is natural and can serve as a healthy part of anyone’s daily routine. And best of all, it doesn’t require any money. These workouts can be done at home with a yoga mat.

  • Disadvantages:

    Unlike the previous two methods, exercise takes a lot of time, effort, and discipline to get the best results. Not to mention some women are busy both at work and in the home, so taking the time to dedicate oneself to a routine can be a challenge.


  • What it does:

    Some food can help women increase their bust size. Milk contains hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin that help increase milk production. Green leafy vegetables can also stimulate the growth of breast tissues. Seafood like prawn and oysters help increase sex hormones, which can increase the size of breast tissues.

  • Why women use this method:

    Foods such as milk, vegetables, and seafood are some of the most common items found in the supermarket. Consumers won’t have a hard time adding these items to their daily diet.

  • Disadvantages:

    Just like exercise, it will take some time for women to see the results once they start eating these foods. Not to mention some products like milk contain preservatives that may cause cancer. So, it’s best to stick to organic foods for better results.

A Plastic Surgeon’s Take

Regardless of what option you choose, each of the methods mentioned above has its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Just as I tell my patients, the key is a balance between moderation and realistic expectations. If a woman is confident in her use of creams, pills, exercise, and food or a combination of all four, there is nothing that can stop her from looking and feeling her best.

Cosmetic surgery is an option woman will explore when natural means fall short. Under the supervision of a trained and board-certified plastic surgeon, women will be able to safely reach their desired goals while gaining a bust-size that best complements the natural contour of their bodies.

At the end of the day, the choice to enhance the shape and size of the breasts is deeply personal. Whether it’s through a surgical or non-surgical treatment, understanding each method and doing the proper research can ensure the best results possible.


Cara Downey, MD

Cara Downey, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Downey Plastic Surgery
Cara Downey, M.D. is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has plied her craft at several medical centers across Houston, including Sugarland and North Houston. Dr. Downey specializes in both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face, body and breasts.
Cara Downey, MD
Cara Downey, MD

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Cara Downey, MD

Cara Downey, MD

Cara Downey, M.D. is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has plied her craft at several medical centers across Houston, including Sugarland and North Houston. Dr. Downey specializes in both cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face, body and breasts.

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