General Health

The Many Benefits of BOTOX®

BOTOX® is commonly used to treat the natural results of aging, including wrinkles and fine lines. This treatment works by inhibiting the nerves in the facial muscles to contract. This results in giving the patient’s face a softer appearance and less wrinkles.

This treatment will provide the best results when used to treat dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles appear when a person moves or adjust their face.

For example, this happens when a person frowns or smiles. The notion is that if the muscle mass in the face does not move excessively, wrinkles within the dermis will not form.

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1. Neck Lines Can Be Greatly Reduced

BOTOX® injections can be used to relax muscles in the neck, not only making them look smoother, but more youthful as well. This treatment can reduce some of the signs of aging, but it will not be able to completely fill out sagging areas of the neck or do away with loose skin.

2. Reduced Migraine Pain

One of the most painful things that someone can experience is migraines. Luckily, BOTOX® has been proven to prevent headaches and help sufferers who are battling with chronic migraine pain. Most recently, the FDA approved BOTOX® to be used for this type of treatment.

For example, Britain has used this to help migraine sufferers for years. Although, using BOTOX to treat migraines is not an immediate solution; it requires multiple injections in areas across the neck, head and face for roughly three months. This is a great opportunity for patients who are tired of taking pain medication and dealing with the recurring side-effects.

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3. Excessive Sweating Be Gone

Do you have to constantly change shirts because of embarrassing armpit sweat? One of the great advantages of BOTOX® treatment is that it can aid people who suffer from hyperhidrosis; otherwise known as excessive sweating.

4. Reduces Appearance of Scarring

BOTOX® among all its other benefits can also help reduce a person’s appearance of scarring after surgery. Many doctors will suggest having BOTOX® treatments performed on melanoma lesions to prevent the skin from spreading apart at the incision site.

Some physicians will use this treatment along with other medications to help patients reduce the appearance of acne scars and prevent the scars from growing in size.

There are many cosmetic benefits of BOTOX® that can help patients in multiple ways. Contact Ageless MD today at 714-760-9918 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. TJ Tsay.

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TJ Tsay, MD
Dr. T.J. Tsay has dedicated his career to helping people look and feel their best in the field of aesthetic medicine and noninvasive cosmetic procedures.
TJ Tsay, MD
TJ Tsay, MD

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TJ Tsay, MD

TJ Tsay, MD

Dr. T.J. Tsay has dedicated his career to helping people look and feel their best in the field of aesthetic medicine and noninvasive cosmetic procedures.

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