(HealthDay News) -- A geriatric care manager (GCM) can help you and family members manage senior care and make daily life easier, the U.S. National Institute on Aging says.

A GCM typically is a licensed nurse or social worker who specializes in geriatric care. Many insurance plans will not pay for this service and Medicare typically won't cover it.

But it can be a worthwhile expense, the agency says, particularly if an aging loved one and you don't live near each other.

The agency says a GCM typically offers services including:

  • Making home visits and suggesting needed services.
  • Addressing emotional needs and concerns.
  • Assisting with short- and long-term care plans.
  • Evaluating in-home care needs.
  • Selecting home health aides.
  • Coordinating medical services.
  • Evaluating other living arrangements.
  • Providing caregiver stress relief.