A diagnostic radiologist in Atlanta, GA, Dr. Tarek Hanna can perform & interpret the results of diagnostic imaging tests, like MRIs or X-rays.
Yes, Dr. Tarek N. Hanna is accepting new patients at this office.
550 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30308
Dr. Hanna has one office in Georgia and specializes in Diagnostic Radiology and Radiology.
Dr. Hanna works with one hundred and eighty-four doctors including Dr. James Orr and Dr. Ankit Patel.
Specializing in the field of diagnostic radiology, Dr. Tarek Hanna evaluates the results of medical images. These may include X-rays like CAT scans or MRIs. Diagnostic radiologists may specialize in evaluating the results of a specific imaging modality, or in the diagnosis of a specific disease, such as cancer. Medical imaging techniques are typically used to diagnose and evaluate conditions like cancer or a broken leg.
Dr. Tarek Hanna is trained to interpret and utilize medical imaging technology to diagnose and treat many different types of diseases and disorders. For example, radiologists can determine the severity of a sports injury in a weekend warrior, or discover a tumor when performing a preventive screening. Dr. Hanna may also provide second opinions on injuries or conditions.