General Health

Facial Fillers 101 with Dr. Stanley Foster

When you are looking for a quick way to enhance or rejuvenate your appearance, it’s hard to beat the convenience and superior results dermal fillers offer. These injectable procedures come in a wide range of formulations today so that we can address a broader range of concerns than ever before.

How Facial Fillers Work

Facial fillers are formulations that provide support to the underlying dermal structure. Over time, that structure goes through changes, primarily as a result of the depletion of collagen and elastin. These substances are abundant during our younger years, giving skin its soft, supple look and feel. As levels drop, we begin to see signs of aging like skin laxity and fine lines creeping in.

When facial fillers are injected into the deeper dermal layers, they restore the support needed to reverse those aging symptoms. Some fillers even stimulate the body’s production of collagen, creating long-lasting natural results.

Options in Facial Fillers:


Juvederm is an effective, all-purpose dermal filler that contains hyaluronic acid, a sugar produced by the body that assists with skin hydration and elasticity. The smooth consistency of Juvederm makes it a preferred choice for sensitive areas like the lips and fine lines that develop between the nose and mouth. However, we also use Juvederm for other purposes, such as smoothing away the lines that extend from the nose to the mouth, known as nasolabial folds.

Watch a Video on Juvederm

Perlane® and Restylane®

Restylane and Perlane are also hyaluronic acid fillers that work well on certain types of facial wrinkles. Perlane features a thicker consistency that also makes it exceptional in restoring youthful volume to areas like the cheeks and along the jawline. It is also an optimal choice for deeper wrinkles around the nose and mouth.

Watch a Video on Restylane


Unlike the three facial fillers listed above, Radiesse does not contain hyaluronic acid. Instead, the active ingredient in the formulation is calcium hydroxylapatite, a substance that is also found in your teeth and bone. The microspheres are suspended in a gel solution and provide immediate fullness while smoothing away fine lines and wrinkles. At the same time, the formulation promotes collagen production by the body to sustain the youthful changes over a longer period.

Watch a Video on Radiesse


While collagen injections are not as popular as they once were, they can be a positive choice for the right patient. These treatments administer collagen directly into the areas of the dermal structure where it is currently lacking, to provide a naturally youthful appearance. The biggest drawback to collagen over other facial fillers is that the results do not tend to last as long.

About Your Treatment

Before your treatment, numbing cream is offered to make the injections more comfortable. Some patients find the small needle to be relatively painless, while others are more comfortable numbing the treatment area first. Once the injections are finished, you should be able to return to your regular activities right away. Any side effects after treatment, such as bruising or swelling, should be mild and subside quickly.

You will see the results of your procedure right away in most cases, although they will improve in the following days. Your skin should look smoother with a noticeable reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. The duration of your results will vary based on the treatment area and the formulation used. Most patients enjoy their results for many months before another procedure is required.

Facial fillers are a quick and convenient way to turn back the clock and achieve a variety of cosmetic goals. To learn more about your options, contact Dr. Stanley Foster Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics today at 203-663-0222.

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Stanley Foster, MD

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