General Health

Are Liposuction Results Permanent? Plastic Surgeon Dr. Heather Rocheford Answers

An Introduction to Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the most effective ways to get rid of unwanted body bulges, in order to gain a smoother, contoured figure. Liposuction is considered the gold standard for eliminating spots of fatty tissue, and getting the body you’ve always wanted. The procedure is generally done to sculpt and tone the body, and is commonly performed on areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and love handles.

Although liposuction has traditionally been seen as a procedure for women, there has been an increase in the number of male candidates in the last few years. Men tend to have liposuction primarily on their abdomen, chest, and flanks.

Regardless of how skinny you are, it’s still possible to have some annoying pockets of fat that you can’t seem to shake, but liposuction can whittle them away for you. Banishing those fat deposits can be very exciting and fulfilling, but are the results of liposuction procedure permanent, or will the fat come back?

Before we answer that question, let’s first explore some background information and common questions about liposuction.

What Does Liposuction Involve?

At Rocheford Plastic Surgery, located in Woodbury, MN, Dr. Heather Rocheford performs liposuction using the tumescent technique.

The tumescent method was pioneered by dermatologic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Klein, allowing the procedure to be performed under local anesthesia. Using this method, a solution containing anesthetic is first injected into the areas being treated, helping to minimize blood loss and bruising.

Then, a small tube or cannula is then used to break up the fat, and it is then suctioned out.

How Long Does Tumescent Liposuction Take?

The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis, and can take anywhere from 1 to 6 hours — it all depends on the number of areas being treated and other factors specific to the patient being treated.

What Should Patients Expect?

After liposuction, patients can except to feel some pain and discomfort, and there will also be some minor bruising and swelling. The discomfort usually eases within 2 weeks, but the swelling and bruising can take up to 8 weeks to fully resolve. A compression garment is usually worn for up to 4 weeks, to help with the reduction of swelling.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is most suitable for those who are already at their ideal weight and shape, but have spots of fat that they feel self-conscious about.

People with skin that is relatively firm and elastic are likely to achieve better results, because liposuction does not tighten the skin, it simply removes fat from problem areas.

It often takes a lot of time, effort, and money to achieve the firmer body you want, so you need to understand how to make those liposuction results last.

Are the Results of Liposuction Permanent?

Liposuction does get rid of fat cells permanently, because the fat cells that are treated are certainly gone for good. However, it is important to make healthy lifestyle choices, and avoid significant weight gain, if you want to maintain the results.

If you happen to gain weight after liposuction the remaining fat cells that were not treated will grow, as more fat will accumulate in them. This will result in changes in body shape and contours. For this reason, doctors stress the need for healthy eating and regular exercise after liposuction. Age may also bring about changes in the shape of the body.

After liposuction the body does not grow new fat cells, but if you gain weight the fat cells that are there will develop. So if you don’t want to undo all the hard work that you did to achieve the sculpted body you now have, it’s best to eat healthy, and exercise regularly.

Above all, you want to make sure that you stay vigilant, because the reality is if you regain weight, you could end up back where you started. You can make it work, as long as you understand that lipo is not the end, but actually the beginning of a journey that is focused on making the right nutritional choices, and paying attention to physical activity.

Additional Liposuction Resources

Video: How Liposuction Removes Fat, Shapes Body

video via the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Infographic: Popular Areas for Liposuction

Infographic - Popular Areas for Liposuction


Links & Further Reading

Find a Doctor Offering Liposuction Near You

Liposuction in the Minneapolis-St Paul Area

At Rocheford Plastic Surgery, liposuction is performed by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Heather Rocheford. Dr. Rocheford has the necessary experience and artistic sense to ensure that you get the most natural liposuction results possible. If you live in or around the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area and are interested in liposuction,  call (651) 739-1100 today and book an appointment with Dr. Rocheford — she will be happy to meet with you to discuss your body enhancement goals.

Heather Rocheford, MD

Heather Rocheford, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Rocheford Plastic Surgery
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Heather Rocheford loves helping her Minneapolis area plastic surgery and med spa clients look and feel amazing.
Heather Rocheford, MD
Heather Rocheford, MD

Heather Rocheford, MD

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Heather Rocheford loves helping her Minneapolis area plastic surgery and med spa clients look and feel amazing.

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