Photo of Dr. Scott K. Van Why, MD

Dr. Scott Van Why is a nephrologist in Milwaukee. He treats conditions affecting the kidneys such as renal failure, kidney stones, or chronic kidney disease.

Reviews of Dr. Van Why
Dr. Van Why

Office of Dr. Van Why See Insurance
of Dr. Van Why

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin - Main Campus  

Accepting New Patients?

Yes, Dr. Scott K. Van Why is accepting new patients at this office.


8915 W Connell Ct, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Office Details

Doctor Specialty Nephrology
Accepting New Patients? Yes
Practice Specialty Multi Specialty
Health System Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Languages Spoken

Insurance Accepted  

  • Most Major Providers

About Dr. Van Why
Dr. Van Why


Dr. Van Why has one office in Wisconsin where he specializes in Nephrology.

Dr. Van Why works with eleven doctors including Dr. William Rhead and Dr. Raymond Fedderly.


Languages Spoken  

  • English

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