Photo of Dr. John H. Kraegel, MD

Dr. John Kraegel is a pediatrician in Brookfield, WI. He offers primary care services for kids of all ages, from little ones to teens.

Reviews of Dr. Kraegel
Dr. Kraegel


See what patients are saying about Dr. Kraegel.





  • Available
  • Nice Office
  • Helpful Staff

We had a poor experience with this doctor. My son wasn't gaining weight at our first newborn appt, so he told me to stop breastfeeding and begin formula. Agree, something needed to be done, but felt this was unreasonable. Called a lactation consultant at the hospital, got evaluated quickly and found out my son was tongue tied and was having difficulty latching. 5 min appt with the pediatric ENT, quick procedure in the office and my son could latch and breastfeed properly instantly!! Listen to your L&D nurses--mine thought my son was tongue tied in the post partum dept, but this doctor said, "I haven't seen a tongue tied kid in 20 years." Well.....yes you have, you just weren't looking. I changed pediatricians and I went on to breastfeed for 14 months and my son never had a drip of formula! He's now 8 years old. Good lessons. Always trust your instincts and find help quickly if you need it. Lots of good doctors in our world. Life is too short to stay with one you don't like. Be your own advocate and if you cannot (sleep deprived new mom) find someone to be your cheerleader. Mine was the lactation consultant!!

Office of Dr. Kraegel See Insurance
of Dr. Kraegel

Children's Hospital Primary Care - Westbrook  

Accepting New Patients?

Yes, Dr. John H. Kraegel is accepting new patients at this office.


13950 W Capitol Dr, Ste 200, Brookfield, WI 53005

Office Details

Doctor Specialty Pediatrics
Accepting New Patients? Yes
Practice Specialty Multi Specialty
Health System Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Languages Spoken

Insurance Accepted  

  • Most Major Providers

About Dr. Kraegel
Dr. Kraegel


Dr. Kraegel has one office in Wisconsin where he specializes in Pediatrics.

Dr. Kraegel works with five doctors including Dr. Suzanne Vincent and Dr. Amy Stolarski.


Languages Spoken  

  • English

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